Quick description:
Türkiye Scholarships is a competitive degree program offered by the government that allows outstanding students to complete full-time or part-time programs at a top university in Turkey. Applications are open to applicants applying for bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees.
Reception office
The university is participating in Turkey
Level / Place of birth:
Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral degree programs are offered in many courses at Turkish universities.
One purpose:
Citizens of all communities
Benefits / include grants:
Courses include college and program application, monthly salary (bachelor: 1000 TL per month; master: 1,400 TL per month; PhD: 1,800 TL per month), tuition, immediate return tickets, insurance for health, housing, and society. Years of studying Turkish.
The appropriate median length is:
• Undergraduate: 1 year Turkish language course + 4-6 years (depending on the duration of the program)
• Master: 1 year Turkish language course + 2 years
• PhD: 1 year Turkish language course + 4 years
Minimum curriculum:
• Academic achievement of at least bachelor’s degree applicants: 70%
• Minimum academic achievement for master’s and doctoral candidates: 75%
• Minimum academic achievement of applicants for medical education (medicine, dentistry and pharmacy): 90%
• Be under the age of 21 in the undergraduate program
• Be under the age of 30 for the master’s program
• You are under the age of 35 in a doctoral program
• Be under the age of 45 in research technology education
Qualified group:
• Citizens of all communities
• Graduates or applicants can graduate by the end of the current academic year (before August 2022)
• Researchers and educators
Application instructions:
Voters can submit individual applications at www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr. Companies or authorities are not allowed to apply for Turkiye training. Applicants for bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees are welcome to apply between 10 January and 20 February 2022. Applicants can apply within one year.
It is important to visit the official website (link below) to get the online application form and for more information on applying for the course.
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