Quick description:
Through IDEX grants, Université Paris-Saclay aims to promote access for international students to its master’s programs (nationally certified degree), to teach in its member companies and to facilitate access to higher education for highly qualified foreign students. especially for those who want to develop an academic project through research all the way down to the doctoral level.
Host institutions:
Université Paris-Saclay, France and registered with one of the following member institutions:
AgroParisTech, CentraleSupelec, Ecole Normale Supérieure ParisSaclay (ENS Paris-Saclay), INSTN-CEA, Institut d’Optique Graduate School (IOGS), Université d’Evry-Vald’Essonne (UEVE), Université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay), Université Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ).
Study level / field:
All masters courses in all academic fields for which the Université Paris-Saclay is accredited, with the exception of vocational training.
Number of prices:
Not specified
Target group:
International students
Grant value / duration:
The amount of the scholarship is 10,000 euros per year. It is paid by Université ParisSaclay throughout the academic year and for at least 10 consecutive months a year (September to June). A maximum of € 1,000 is also granted for travel and visa expenses, depending on the applicant’s home country.
These scholarships are awarded for 1 or 2 years depending on the entry level (M1 or M2) and provided that students complete the required number of credits to advance to the next year’s level.
Students were admitted to the Université Paris-Saclay master’s program offered by one of the following institutions: AgroParisTech, CentraleSupelec, ENS Paris-Saclay, INSTN-CEA, IOGS, UEVE, UPSaclay, UVSQ. Of these students, only those who meet one of the following criteria can apply:
• Newly arrived international students, 30 years and younger during the elective year.
• Students of foreign nationality who have lived on French soil for less than a year have previously or are currently enrolled in a course or internship that does not lead to certification.
• Students with a foreign nationality who live on French soil for less than a year and attend language courses (type FFL).
• Students who have previously resided in France as part of a mobility program during their studies (eg Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees, exchange program …) which did not lead to certification.
Good! Thanks